Friday 13 November 2015

Planetary Mantras

MANTRA FOR THE SUN NO 1 / Sunday / gold red / ring finger / focus: right (wrong) side of the body / activities /, organizing /, leadership /, father
AUM Hrim, Hrim, Hrim SURIYAYE NAMAH AUM 7,000 times Within the ascending cycle of the moon

MANTRA FOR MOON. NO 2 / Monday / off white / palm / focus: left (female) side of the body / emotions / mother
AUM- shrim Hrim KRIM CHAM CHANDRAYE NAMAH-AUM 11,000 times Within the ascending cycle of the moon MANTRA FOR JUPITER NO 3 / Thursday / crimson yellow / index finger / focus: third eye, spiritual understanding and Efforts   
AUM- BRIM BRAHASPATAYE NAMAH-AUM 19,000 times Within the ascending cycle of the moon

MANTRA FOR RAHU (north node, dragon / snake head) NO 4 Monday / earth colors / focus; The heart, will and desire to learn the karmic lessons you have to learn in this life.
AUM- RANG RAHUVE NAMAH -AUM 216 times per day

MANTRA FOR MERCURY NO 5 Wednesday / green / little finger / focus: Throat, creativity thoughts, intellect and speech.

AUM -SHRIM Hrim KLIM AIM Buddi (BUDDAN) NAMAH- AUM As many times as possible. Min 21 times

MANTRA FOR VENUS NO 6 Friday and 11 times every other day / white / palm / focus: heart and genitals semen / artistic expressions. Eleven times per day AUM- JUNG HUNG, SA, bhur, Bhuvan, SWA, KARTIKE NAMAH, SWA, Bhuvah bhur, SA HANG, JUNG --- AUM or


MANTRA FOR Ketu (south node, dragon / snake tail) NO 7 Tuesdays, Monday and Wednesday / blue / green / focus: navel. Ketu gives you the opportunity to seek spiritual enlightenment (moksha)
17,000 times Within the ascending cycle of the moon AUM-NRING, NRING, NRING, NARSINGHAYE (NRISIMHAYE) NAMAH-AUM or


MANTRA FOR SATURN NO 8 Saturday / black / middle finger / focus: basic chakra / wisdom to remove the veil of ignorance.108 times per day AUM-AIM Hrim shrim Shung SHANAISHCHARAYE NAMAH-AUM   MANTRA FOR MARS NO 9 Tuesday / bloody red / palm / focus: stomach (digestive fire), serving the universe, pure divine energy (Hanuman).AUM-ANJANEYAYE VIDMAHE MAHABALAYE DHI-MAHI TANNO HANUMAN PRACHODAYAT-AUM or



Matangi can be worshiped by the mantra Aim, Which is the mantra sacred to Saraswati and is the seed-syllable of wisdom, learning, teaching and hence the very voice of the guru or inner guides. Matangi herself possesses a longer mantra of twenty syllables, Which includes Aim.

Matangi is the Goddess of sound, the spoken word and of any outward articulation of our inner highest knowledge including all forms of art music and dance. She Relates to all levels of speech.

Om namo Hrim aim SRIM bhagavati ucchistacandali sri matangesvari sarvajanavasankari svaha!


The first mantra for Bagalamukhi is the seed-syllable Hlrim. The Additions of the the-sound to the mantra Hrim gives it the power to stop things. She Represents the stunning radiance That comes forth from the Divine Word and puts all human or egoistic word to rest..she gives the power of speech That leaves others silent and grasping for words. Indra Yoni, Heart chakra

Om hlrim Bagalamukhi sarvadustanam vacam mukham padam stambhaya jihvam kilaya buddhim vinaaya hlrim Om svaha!


Bairavi Represents Divine anger and wrath, Which is directed toward the impurities and negative forces within US That may interfere with our spiritual growth.
Supreme Goddess of speech


Tara's main mantra, her bija or seed-syllable, is Om. Tara Relates to the Divine Word, Which is Om from Which all other sounds and words have its origin.
She is the rising current from the navel chakra to the head.
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha 

Kali's Bija mantra

Kali's Bija mantra or single seed syllable is "Krim." Which is the power of action (kriya).Hrim is the mantra of divine beauty, the descent of grace, purification and transformation.Hum is a mantra of wrath and warding off negativity. anche It serves to enkindle the fire of spiritual knowledge and Self inquiry is Dakshina Kali as the power of discernment, Which is Both right thought and right action. Kalika is another form of the name Kali. Svaha is the mantra of consecration to the Divine, Particularly as the inner or spiritual fire of awareness.
Krim Krim Krim Hrim Hrim hum hum Daksine Kalike Krim Krim Krim Hrim Hrim hum hum Svaha

Mantras for Ganesh:

AUM shrim Hrim KLIM Glaum GANG Ganapataye NAMAH AUM

Bija Sound Used During Healing Circles

Pronounce it by inhaling audibly through your nostrils, and direct the stream of air to the point between your eyebrows. Pronounce the sound along with your exhalation, Allowing the sound to breathe and resonate in the cranial area.  Om is for Space Within Your Body.

Mantra for Saraswati - Use it for Intelligence. The word 'Aim' in the above mantra denotes Vachana Shakti, the power of articulation, calling, guiding and teaching. It is the Bija Mantra for Matangi who is Within Our body and one of the Goddesses Mahavidya

Aim is the bija anche sound for Mercury. Mercury is the great messenger of the Gods. He is the planet, Which Represents speech, communication and commerce on all levels. In His lower function he articulates Organizes and material resources. On a higher level h connects us with our inner capacities - the powers of the mind.

Solar plexus, navel and the left lip of the Yoni

Glaum [glah- owm]:  masculine; Ganesha;  seed sound to remove obstacles between throat and base of spine 

Hrim (pronounced Hreem) governs over the cosmic magnetic energy and the power of the soul and causal body. It is the first mantra of the Great Goddess and ruler of the worlds and holds to her creative and healing powers. Hrim is the mantra of the Divine Maya That destroys the worldly maya. It has a solar quality to it but more of a dawn-like effect.

Hrim awakens us at a soul or heart level, connecting us to Divine forces of love and attraction. It is charming and alluring, yet purifying. Through it we can control the illusion power of our own minds.

In Vedic terms Hrim is a mantra of the Sun, Particularly in terms of illumination. It Increases our aspiration and receptivity to divine light, wisdom and truth. It opens the lotus of the heart to the inner Sun of consciousness. It is a mantra of the region of heaven or the consciousness space where all the worlds exist.

Nada is the Mother of the Universe, and Bindu is the dispeller of sorrow. Right side of the body. Representing the energy Sola  

KRIM KRIM (pronounced Kreem) governs over prana as lightning or electrical energy.KRIM grants all spiritual faculties and powers - from the arousing of kundalini to opening the third eye. It has a special power related to the lower chakras, Which Both it can stimulate and transform. It helps awaken and purify the subtle body.

Krim is the great mantra of Kali, the Goddess of energy and transformation. It is anche the mantra of Indra, the supreme deity of the Vedas, the Divine as the cosmic lord and enlightenment force. Krim is the thunderbolt or vajra That destroys the serpent of the ignorance and releases the light of absolute truth. As a mantra of work and transformation, KRIM is the mantra of Kriya Yoga, the Yoga of practice. It is the main mantra of the Yoga Shakti. KRIM carries the supreme life force. It is a strong mantra, use it with care.

Throat and Second Chakra

Shrim shrim (pronounced Shreem) is a mantra of love, devotion and beauty. Shrim Kamala is a mantra or Lakshmi, the Goddess of Beauty and divine grace. Yet shrim works at a deeper level than Merely to give us the good things of life, including health. It takes us to the heart and gives faith and steadiness to our emotional nature.

Shrim Allows us to surrender to, take refuge in, or be immersed in whatever we offer to the mantra. It is the mantra of beauty and delight and has a pleasing lunar quality. Even It Relates to the head and can be used to flood the senses with divine beauty and delight. It promotes health and aids in fertility and rejuvenation .

Sunday 1 November 2015



Interesting info on mahabharata

पाण्डव पाँच भाई थे जिनके नाम हैं -

1. युधिष्ठिर

2. भीम

3. अर्जुन

4. नकुल

5. सहदेव

( इन पांचों के अलावा , महाबली कर्ण भी कुंती के ही पुत्र थे , परन्तु उनकी गिनती पांडवों में नहीं की जाती है ) यहाँ ध्यान रखें कि… पाण्डु के उपरोक्त पाँचों पुत्रों में से युधिष्ठिर, भीम और अर्जुन की माता कुन्ती थीं ……तथा , नकुल और सहदेव की माता माद्री थी ।

वहीँ …. धृतराष्ट्र और गांधारी के सौ पुत्र…..
कौरव कहलाए जिनके नाम हैं -

1. दुर्योधन

2. दुःशासन

3. दुःसह

4. दुःशल

5. जलसंघ

6. सम

7. सह

8. विंद

9. अनुविंद

10. दुर्धर्ष

11. सुबाहु

12. दुषप्रधर्षण

13. दुर्मर्षण

14. दुर्मुख

15. दुष्कर्ण

16. विकर्ण

17. शल

18. सत्वान

19. सुलोचन

20. चित्र

21. उपचित्र

22. चित्राक्ष

23. चारुचित्र

24. शरासन

25. दुर्मद

26. दुर्विगाह

27. विवित्सु

28. विकटानन्द

29. ऊर्णनाभ

30. सुनाभ

31. नन्द

32. उपनन्द

33. चित्रबाण

34. चित्रवर्मा

35. सुवर्मा

36. दुर्विमोचन

37. अयोबाहु

38. महाबाहु

39. चित्रांग

40. चित्रकुण्डल

41. भीमवेग

42. भीमबल

43. बालाकि

44. बलवर्धन

45. उग्रायुध

46. सुषेण

47. कुण्डधर

48. महोदर

49. चित्रायुध

50. निषंगी

51. पाशी

52. वृन्दारक

53. दृढ़वर्मा

54. दृढ़क्षत्र

55. सोमकीर्ति

56. अनूदर

57. दढ़संघ

58. जरासंघ

59. सत्यसंघ

60. सद्सुवाक

61. उग्रश्रवा

62. उग्रसेन

 63. सेनानी

 64. दुष्पराजय

 65. अपराजित

 66. कुण्डशायी

 67. विशालाक्ष

 68. दुराधर

 69. दृढ़हस्त

 70. सुहस्त

 71. वातवेग

 72. सुवर्च

 73. आदित्यकेतु

 74. बह्वाशी

 75. नागदत्त

 76. उग्रशायी

 77. कवचि

 78. क्रथन

 79. कुण्डी

 80. भीमविक्र

 81. धनुर्धर

 82. वीरबाहु

 83. अलोलुप

 84. अभय

 85. दृढ़कर्मा

 86. दृढ़रथाश्रय

 87. अनाधृष्य

 88. कुण्डभेदी

 89. विरवि

 90. चित्रकुण्डल

 91. प्रधम

 92. अमाप्रमाथि

 93. दीर्घरोमा

 94. सुवीर्यवान

 95. दीर्घबाहु

 96. सुजात

 97. कनकध्वज

 98. कुण्डाशी

 99. विरज

 100. युयुत्सु ( इन 100 भाइयों के अलावा कौरवों की एक बहन भी थी… जिसका नाम""दुशाला""था, जिसका विवाह"जयद्रथ"सेहुआ था ) 

Sunday 1 March 2015

Mantra to have son

 "Om Kleeng Shrreng Hreeng Jeeng Om Bhurbhuvah Swah Om Devaki Sut Govindam Vasudev Jagatpate Dehi Mey Tanayam Krishan Twamaham Sharanam Gatah Om Om Swah Bhuvah Bhuh Geeng Hreeng Shreeng Tweeng Om"
Recite above mantra  one lakh times for Mantra Siddhi. It has power to grant male offspring