Wednesday 21 September 2011

Vaastu - Directions

1.      North: North is a very good direction. The owner of this direction is KUBER.Kuber is a Hindu deity and is known for wealth & prosperity. This direction is called wealth and career direction. The planet for this direction is Budha.

  • The Vaastu Purush’s chest & breast area occupies the north diection. This direction should always be more open, beautiful, light & less burdened due to the body parts of Vaastu purush.

  • The today’s logical interpretation of the intellectual vaastu consultants’ states that North direction, which has North Pole, provides tremendous positive energy to the whole structure. This energy is very important for every individual/inmates of the building structure. There should be big openings in the North direction to receive the energies of North Pole.
2. South: South is always considered as a bad direction, but it is not like that. South is the bank for all the good energies of North direction. There should not be big openings in the south. The owner of this direction is YAM. Yam is Hindu deity for death. Big openings from south give problems comparable to death. South’s owner is also in charge of justice, legal affairs. So if you have south defects, be ready for injustice and legal issues in life.

  • The corresponding planet for this direction is MANGAL.South also affects the growth in financial prospects, business and career. Closed places in south are prosperous. South stores the wealth in the form of energy. Closed and heavy walls in the south direction keep the Yam at bay from the inmates of the house.

3.      East: A very powerful direction. The direction is owned by Lord INDRA.Indra is the Hindu deity responsible for rains, overall prosperity, festivity and power. Indra is very powerful in manipulation. The representative planet for this direction is Lord Sun which itself is a big power that nobody can match. Sun gives growth to life, vegetation etc. So you can call east as direction for growth. After the north, east should be very much open, light & clean. Making heavy walls, not providing the ventilation, doors & windows gives stagnation in life. Making a staircase, accommodating a toilet or a store in the eastern direction is a big vaastu offence. Just mind a punch line obstruction in east can create an obstruction in your life.

4. West: This direction is known for stability in life. The owner for this direction is Lord VARUN.Varun is deity for rain, fame and fate. The corresponding planet for west is a Saturn.Big opening from this direction is not advisable. The east energy,i.e solar energy is not stored in the west if there are big openings. The axis of energy goes east to west as the sun rises from east and sets in the western direction. The west direction is occupied by the lower abdomen, genitals & reproduction organs of the vaastu purush. The openings & entries from this direction are not good. It spoils the prospects of income

5. Northeast: A wonderful direction, which one can relish. The owner of this direction is itself the supreme deity of Hindus Lord SHIVA. The representative planet for the direction is Brahaspati.this direction gives over all prosperity, health &wealth. Brahaspati, the planet for Northeast gives knowledge & spiritual growth. This is a good direction for scholars 7 students. Northeast is a very pious direction. It is a very sensitive direction. In my experience 60% of vaastu principles lie in northeast direction. A very powerful axis of magnetic energy starts from the Northeast to Southwest. Creating a toilet in this area is blunder, it can spoil the family health or if it is a business place it can ruin the whole business. Bedrooms, stores toilet & heavy structures should be avoided in the Northeast. Creating a fire element in this area gives accidents.

6. Southeast: A well-wisher who is very sensitive, angry in nature, the same is the nature of Southeast direction. Southeast is owned by Lord AGNIDEV the Hindu deity, which represents fire. The representative planet for this direction is Shukra.
The sun, which is a life giver to this universe, is at its harsh mood when it comes in this direction. The infrared rays are emitted from the sun when it reaches the southeast. This is the hottest place/phase of the Lord Sun. This heat is compared to the fire. Southeast is always allocated for fire related works. Fire being very potent & have lots of anti elements like water & air. So one should be careful while placing the other elements with fire. The use of Southeast is a delicate matter.

7. Southwest: This direction is owned by a demon called NIRITI.The corresponding planet for Southwest is Rahu.This is the strongest direction in the plot as it shows magnetic energies flowing from Northeast. Right usage of Southwest gives a strong & healthy life. It can give you confidence, wealth and health. Southwest can give you name and fame in life, but if Southwest is not according to vaastu, it can bring many problems to the inmates of the structure. Bad Southwest can make the conditions worst; it can make finances in the reverse flow. Bad Southwest can bring behavioral issues like depression, anxiety, suicidal feelings etc. Bad Southwest can make people feel low & energy loss in working place even. It can give conception problems in the family. If the Southwest is highest in your building that means your happiness and self-esteem is highest.

8. Northwest: The owner of this direction is VAYUDEV.The Hindu deity for Vayu.The wind element is affected. The wind element is affected. The planet of this direction is moon. The place in Northwest is very unstable since it is powered by wind element. This direction creates opportunities in the life. If it is powerful and complementary the vaastu principles it can take ones career to big heights. Wrong usage of Northwest gives instability, confusion in the mind & lots of diseases. It can also create restlessness in the inmates.

Monday 12 September 2011

Mantras of lord Kartikeya

‘Om Thatpurushaya Vidhmahe
Maha Senaya Dhimahi
Thanno Skanda Prachodhayath’

Ganesh Mantra

वक्रतुंड महाकाय कोटिसूर्यसमप्रभ ।

निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा ॥

Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi  त्योहार Bhaadrapada के हिंदू कैलेंडर महीने में मनाया जाता है, शुक्ल चतुर्थी (एपिलेशन चाँद अवधि के चौथे दिन) शुरू. तारीख आम तौर पर 19 अगस्त और 15 सितंबर के बीच  जाता है. Ganesh Chaturth त्योहार 10 या 12 दिनों के लिए रहता है, अनंत चतुर्दशी पर समाप्त. यह त्यौहार bhadrapada शुक्ल पक्ष chathurthi madhyahana vyapini purvaviddha चांद्र मास में मनाया जाता है. यदि चतुर्थी दोनों दिनों पर कायम है, पहला दिन मनाया जाना चाहिए. यहां तक ​​कि अगर चतुर्थी madhyahana की पूरी अवधि के लिए दूसरे दिन की तस है, अगर यह एक ghatika (24 मिनट) के लिए भी पिछले दिन की madhyahana अवधि पर कायम है, पिछले दिन का पालन किया जाना चाहिए

Sunday 21 August 2011

Krishna Janmashtami - Krishna Aarti

Krishna Janmashtami is observed on the Ashtami tithi, the eighth day of the dark half or Krishna Paksha of the month of Bhadrapada in the Hindu calendar, when the Rohini Nakshatra is ascendant. The festival always falls within mid-August to mid-September in the Gregorian calendar.

Monday 8 August 2011

Sawan Somvar Vrat

Mondays, or Somvar, in the month of Shravan (July – August) is considered highly auspicious for praying to Lord Shiva. It is believed that the worship of Shiva during Shrawan month is 108 times more powerful than worshipping during normal days. Millions of devout Hindus observe the Shravan Somwar Vrat – fasting and performing Pujas on Mondays in Sawan Month.

Here is a brief procedure to observe Shravan Somvar Vrat
After the morning bath and other purification rituals.
Lord Ganesha is first prayed to.
Next, Lord Shiva is prayed to by chanting Om Namah Shivaya.
The offerings that are made are Bilva leaves, white flowers, water, honey and milk.
If you have Shivling at home you can do abhishek with water, honey or milk.
Fasting on the day is from sunrise to sunset.
You can chant Maha Mritunjaya Mantra or Om Namah Shivaya on the day.
Those who observe fast on Mondays in some regions wear only white clothes.
Those observe partial fast eat fruits.
Some devotees read the Shiva Purana on the day.
Those people who live along the banks of Ganga use water from Ganga to perform abhishek on the Shivling.
The fast is broken in the evening after praying to Lord Shiva. Some devotees visit a Shiva Shrine during the period. Some devotees opt for a 24-hour fast and they break the fast on the next day morning.
It is believed that those who observe Somwar vrat will have their desires fulfilled and will be blessed with wisdom. In some areas, fasting on Mondays is observed by unmarried women to get a good husband.
It must be noted that Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva and there are devout Hindus who observe vrat on all Mondays in a year.

सावन सोमवार के व्रत में भगवान शिव और देवी पार्वती की पूजा की जाती है। प्राचीन शास्त्रों के अनुसार सोमवार के व्रत तीन तरह के होते हैं। सोमवार, सोलह सोमवार और सौम्य प्रदोष। सोमवार व्रत की विधि सभी व्रतों में समान होती है। इस व्रत को सावन माह में आरंभ करना शुभ माना जाता है।

सावन सोमवार व्रत सूर्योदय से प्रारंभ कर तीसरे पहर तक किया जाता है। शिव पूजा के बाद सोमवार व्रत की कथा सुननी आवश्यक है। व्रत करने वाले को दिन में एक बार भोजन करना चाहिए।
सावन सोमवार को ब्रह्म मुहूर्त में सोकर उठें।
पूरे घर की सफाई कर स्नानादि से निवृत्त हो जाएँ।
गंगा जल या पवित्र जल पूरे घर में छिड़कें।
घर में ही किसी पवित्र स्थान पर भगवान शिव की मूर्ति या चित्र स्थापित करें।
पूरी पूजन तैयारी के बाद निम्न मंत्र से संकल्प लें-
सावन सोमवार के व्रत में भगवान शिव और देवी पार्वती की पूजा की जाती है। प्राचीन शास्त्रों के अनुसार सोमवार के व्रत तीन तरह के होते हैं। सोमवार, सोलह सोमवार और सौम्य प्रदोष। इस व्रत को सावन माह में आरंभ करना शुभ माना जाता है।

मम क्षेमस्थैर्यविजयारोग्यैश्वर्याभिवृद्धयर्थं सोमव्रतं करिष्ये

इसके पश्चात निम्न मंत्र से ध्यान करें-
ध्यायेन्नित्यंमहेशं रजतगिरिनिभं चारुचंद्रावतंसं रत्नाकल्पोज्ज्वलांग परशुमृगवराभीतिहस्तं प्रसन्नम्‌। पद्मासीनं समंतात्स्तुतममरगणैर्व्याघ्रकृत्तिं वसानं विश्वाद्यं विश्ववंद्यं निखिलभयहरं पंचवक्त्रं त्रिनेत्रम्‌॥

ध्यान के पश्चात 'ऊँ नमः शिवाय' से शिवजी का तथा 'ऊँ नमः शिवायै' से पार्वतीजी का षोडशोपचार पूजन करें।
पूजन के पश्चात व्रत कथा सुनें।
तत्पश्चात आरती कर प्रसाद वितरण करें।
इसकें बाद भोजन या फलाहार ग्रहण करें।
सावन सोमवार व्रत फल
सोमवार व्रत नियमित रूप से करने पर भगवान शिव तथा देवी पार्वती की अनुकम्पा बनी रहती है।
जीवन धन-धान्य से भर जाता है।
सभी अनिष्टों का भगवान शिव हरण कर भक्तों के कष्टों को दूर करते हैं।

Friday 24 June 2011

Anant Kalsarp Yoga

"This kaal sarp dosha is formed when  rahu is in Ascendant (Lagna) or 1 st house and ketu is placed   in seventh house. This have ill imacts on   the personality of the person. It makes him very short-tempered person"

Pooja --- 11 silver naag and naagin  pairs will be offered to Lord Shiva along with  sugar, dahi,  milk, dhatura,   rice, bhasam, ganga jal, Bel Patra, chandan, 21 pushp(flower) of white Akora, 21 pushp(flower) of lotus and fruits will be offered to Lord Shiva.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Mantra for pregnant womans

Aum Devaki Sudha Govinda Vasudeva Jagathpathe

Dehime thanayam krishnam dvamanghaam charanakathe

Deva Deva Jaganatha Gothra Vrithi Karaprabho

Dehime thanayam sikram ayuamantham yasasvinam.

Recite above mantra 108 times a day for healthy child.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Acha Pati Prapti Mantra - Mantra for find right husband

Om Shankaray Sakal Janmarjit Pap Vidhwansanay
Purusharth Chatushtay Labhay Cha Pati Me Dehi Kuru Kuru Swaha

chant this mantra 108 times a day.

Rati Mantra - Mantra for good relation with husband

    Om abhitwamanujaten dadhami mam vasana Yatha so 
     mam kewalo nanyasam keertayashcha na

Chant this mantra 108 times a day.

Maan Chahi shadi mantra -- Mantra to get a good And desireable wife or husband

"Om Gandharvaraaja visvaavase Mamabilashida Kanyaam Prayacha SwaahaaThe meening"

Chant this mantra more than 320 a day regularly till your marriage.

Puter Prapti Mantra 2 - Mantra to get son

 "Om Sarvabadha Vinurmukto Dhandhanya Sutanvitah Manushyomat Prasaaden Bhavishyati Na SanShaya"

Continuous chant of this mantra between 08:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. will help get blessed with son.

Shri Krishna Mantra

"Om Shri Krishnaya Govindaya Gopijana-vallabhaya namah"

Maa kali mantra

"Hrim Shrim Krim Parameswari Kalike hrim shrim krim svaha"

Shri Radha Mantra

"Om Hrim Radhikayai namah"

Bhagwan Shri Ram Mantra

"Ramaya Ramabhadraya Ramachandraya Vedhase Raghunathaya nathaya Sitayah pataye namah"

This mantra can be recite any time.

Rudra mantra

Om Tat Purushaya Vidmahe Mahadevaya Dhimahi Tanno Rudrah Prachodayat

This mantra can be recited anytime.

Rahu Mantra

Om bhram bhreem bhroum sah rahave namah

Peoples  who are under the dasa or arddasa of Rahu  should recite this mantra
18000 times in 40 days.

Shani Dev Mantra

"Om pram preem proum sah shanaischaraya namah"

This mantra will be very beneficial  during the sade sati. recite this mantra 19000 times in 40 days.

Mangel mantra

Om kram kreem kroum sah bhaumaya namah

Peoples  who are under the dasa or arddasa of Mangel  should recite this mantra
  7000 times in 40 days.

Chander mantra - Moon Mantra

"Om shram sreem shraum sah chandraya namah"

Peoples  who are under the dasa or arddasa of chander "moon" should recite this mantra
 10000 times in 40 days.

Suriya Mantra -- Sun Mantra

“Om hram hreem hroum sah suryaya namah”

Recite  this mantra 6000 times in 40 days, and  this will surely give you "tej"  power .

Mantra to Boost Child Brain Power

Take water in your right palm and say  and pray to Saraswati  maa by heaving your name and your father name and told maa that you are doing this for your child .

Let water flow onto the ground. With a Saraswati rosary chant 11 rounds of this Mantra.

 Om Ayeim Vaagvaadinyei Ayeim Om

How to Chant Mantra

Mantra chanting is of three types - Vaachik,Maansik and Upaanshu.

  1.  Vaachik the words of the Mantra are spoken out loud and clear.
  2.  Maansik no audible sound is produced rather only thought waves of the Mantra are generated by repetition in the mind. Although inaudible, these waves also produce powerful effect. The purpose with which chanting is being done determines whether the recital has to be audible or only mental.
  3. Upaanshu in which the Mantra is spoken out softly so that only the Sadhak himself and no other person nearby could hear the sound.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Kam Dev Mantra - Mantra To attract others

Om Kleem Kaamaay Namah     


Bhagwan Kishan Mantra

Om Kleem Krishnaaya Govindaaya Gopeejanavallabhaya swaaha

Maa lakshmi mantra

Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Om Phat 

Start this ritual on Wednesday. At night after 10 pm have bath and wear clean red clothes .Make a mark with vermilion on the forehead .Sit on a red mat facing south. Cover a wooden seat with red cloth .In a plate draw a Swastik with saffron.

Maa Saraswati Mantra

Shuklaam Brahm Vichaar Saar Paramaamadyaam Jagadvyapineem,
Veennaa Pustak Dhaarinneem Bhayadaam Jaadyaandhkaaraapahaam
HasteSfalikmaalikawn Vid-dhartee Padmaasane Sansthitaam,
Vande Taam Parmeshwareem Bhagwateem Buddhipradaam Shaaradaam

Naukri mantra - Mantra for job

Om Shreem Mam Kaarya Siddhi Kari Kari Hreem Phat 

Repeat the ritual each night for 8 days, thus concluding the Sadhana on next Wednesday. The Sadhak must leave the rosary in the roots of Peepal tree.

Sehat Mantra -- Health Mantra

Om Namo Bhagwate Aarogyam Dehi Om Namah 

You have to chant this mantra 1 lakh times to sidh it.

Vidya Mantra - Educatiion Mantra

Om Vakdeviyaicha Vidhmahe Virinji Pathniyaicha Dheemahe
Tanno vani Prachodayaath !

This mantra is highly recommended for the students. Chant this manta at least 15 min a day.

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra - Death-Conquering mantra

   om tryambakam yajāmahe sugandhim pusti-vardhanam
    urvārukam iva bandhanān mrtyor muksīya māmrtāt

 Along with the Gayatri mantra this mantra holds the highest place among the many mantras used for contemplation and meditation.

Shanti Mantra -- Piece of mind mantra

Aum. Aum. Aum. Sahana vavatu sahanou bhunaktu
Sahaveeryam karavavahai Tejasvinavadhitamastu
Mavid visha vahai hi Aum Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthihi. 

Chant this mantra 108  times as day.

Friday 13 May 2011

Universal Mantra - Gayatri Mantra's


Chat this mantra 108 times a Day. it is said that this mantra brings happies and prosperity.


Dan Prapti mantra - To end financial worries

om brzee namah

Chant this mantra 108 times a day, it will show its effect in few days.

Putra Prapti (Son) Mantra's

 "Om Kleeng Shrreng Hreeng Jeeng Om Bhurbhuvah Swah Om Devaki Sut Govindam Vasudev Jagatpate Dehi Mey Tanayam Krishan Twamaham Sharanam Gatah Om Om Swah Bhuvah Bhuh Geeng Hreeng Shreeng Tweeng Om"
Recite above mantra  one lakh times for Mantra Siddhi. It has power to grant male offspring